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Listed by Cheryl King of MRM Associates
This stately 1790 Federal style home has been owned by the same family for the past 55 years. Bring your ideas and TLC to this property with endless possibilities. The 3 bay garage on the back of the house includes a horse stall. With 3 acres and a spring fed pond, this could once again be an equestrian property. The town has this home listed as a 2-family residence. It currently has a separate heating system and hot water tank for the second floor apartment. You can live in the larger home and rent out the second floor apartment or easily convert it to make it one large 4,600 sf estate. Most of the rooms in this house are quite large and there are 5 fireplaces and 4 full bathrooms. Roof 2017. The property offers a multitude of options and the location is stellar. It is close to trails for walking, conservation land, the stunning Groton Hill Music Center, and has easy access to both downtown Groton and downtown Ayer. Both offer thriving communities.

Property Details of 401 Old Ayer Road

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Groton, MA Demographics

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Groton, MA Real Estate Market Data

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Groton, MA Schools

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