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Sellers Beware!

Sellers Beware

Yes, we are brokers. So, why are we warning you against us, you ask? Well, the real estate industry can get a bad rap, so we're here to protect it, and you.

Over-Promising and Under-Delivering
The advertising industry is flooded with ways to trick consumers into buying products or services. Real Estate is no stranger to this concept. There is no end to the claims that realtors make to prospective clients to win their business.

The most common lie is p
romising to sell your home for a higher price than it's worth. As brokers, we understand this is a double edged sword. If the agent's numbers are too low, they have no chance of being hired, but agents tend to get carried away with trying to please these prospective clients. Over-listing your property from the get-go can do some serious damage, and all of a sudden your property has been sitting on the market for 100 days with no real interest. Inevitably, you will make price-drops and anyone interested will most likely come in with an even lower offer. 

If the agent disagrees with your price, they should let you know (politely of course) and with some real knowledge as to why. This way, you have realistic expectations going into it.

Agent's should be confident in their strategy to sell your house. S
tatistics actually show that listing a property below value actually creates a positive impact on the sales price! The best broker you can get, is one that under-promises and over-delivers.

Beware of What You Sign
Many sellers get roped into signing an ERS (Exclusive Right to Sell) before providing support for the services they are offering. If the agent or broker is not performing to your standards, it is very difficult to get out of an ERS, once signed.

In most cases, our brokerage waits to have clients sign an ERS until we have shown our dedication, by providing strong marketing, quality leads and showings. Once we feel our clients our confident in our ability to sell their property, we then look to get an ERS signed.

Always thoroughly read through the entire contract, they can sometimes be too broad in scope. Make sure the contract includes the commission, duration, duties and a dispute resolution.

Overall, make sure the agent you hire is one that you can trust and have confidence in. We are here to help you, not hurt you.


Are you looking to sell? Contact Us today!

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